
Acknowledgement on High-Risk Trading Environment

To our valued clients:

We have reasonably determined that you may have originated or currently residing in a jurisdiction deemed to be of high-risk by us. Please ensure that you have read our Client Agreement, Risk Disclosure and Acknowledgement Notice and other documents on our website before registering an account with us. 
我们已合理确定您可能来自或目前居住在我们认为具有高风险的司法管辖区。 在向我们注册账户之前,请确保您已阅读我们的客户协议、风险披露和确认通知以及我们网站上的其他文件。

In order to facilitate an equitable trading environment and protect the interests of both Doo Prime and its clients, the following disruptive behaviours are prohibited.;
为进一步规范客户参与高风险金融衍生品交易的风险警示工作,营造公平的交易环境,Doo Prime 和客户双方的利益,我们禁止以下干扰市场正常秩序的行为:

1. The abuse and improper use of products and services provided through Doo Prime’s system and/or policies, including but not limited to:
    通过 Doo Prime 的系统、政策等在为客户提供具体服务时,利用产品和服务中的缺陷、漏洞等来牟取不正当收益,包括但不限于:

      a)The abuse, improper use or manipulation of quotation delays, quotation interruptions, quotation failures, and other quotation loopholes to obtain an unfair advantage

      b)The abuse, improper use or manipulation of customer management systems, payment processing systems or transaction systems to obtain an unfair advantage

      c)The abuse, improper use or manipulation of marketing and sales materials to obtain an unfair advantage

2. The abuse, improper use or manipulation of the OTC market to obtain an unfair advantage through methods including but not limited to:
    利用 OTC 市场的流动性条件来牟取不正当收益,包括但不限于:

      a)Conducting short-term transactions that exceed the reasonable depth and range of liquidity provided by the market

      b)Using differences in quotation and depth between various liquidity providers for arbitragepurposes

3. Leveraging the OTC market against other related markets to obtain an unfair advantage, including but not limited to:
    利用 OTC 市场与其他相关市场的关联性来牟取不正当收益,包括但不限于:

      a)Arbitrage of time differences pertaining to an offer

      b)Abuse of the limited capacity of the spot or futures market to influence arbitrage in other markets

4. The abuse, improper use or manipulation of an inactive market trading environment to obtain an unfair advantage

5. Hedging transactions with other brokers to obtain an unfair advantage

6. Other behaviour or activity that violates the principles of market fairness to obtain an unfair advantage

If Doo Prime has reasonable grounds to believe that the prohibited activities above have been performed by the client, we reserve the right to invalidate the relevant transactions and suspend or retain all profits resulting from the alleged transactions. We reserve our rights to claim all losses and damages suffered and our rights within the Client Agreement. 
如果 Doo Prime 有合理理由相信客户已经进行了上述被禁止的活动,我们保留使相关交易无效并暂停或保留该交易产生的所有利润的权利。 我们保留索赔遭受的所有损失和损害的权利以及我们在客户协议中的权利。

If you agree to the conditions set forth above, please indicate your agreement and sign below:
[ ] I have read and agreed to be bound by the above terms and conditions.

If you object to the conditions set forth above, please indicate your disagreement and sign below. Please be informed that Doo Prime will terminate your account registration as soon as reasonably practicable. 
[ ] I have read and disagreed to be bound by the above terms and conditions. 

Your Signature 签名:

Name 全名:

Passport No./ID No.护照号码/身份证号码:

Date 日期:

■ 高龄客户需额外签署协议:

Third Party’s Certification On The Client’s Legal Capacity

Dear Client, 

Kindly request any of your family members, friends or any person who can certify and confirm that you have the necessary legal capacity and legal competence to fill up and sign below. 

Name :

ID No./Passport No. :

Mobile Number :

Email Address :

Relationship with Client:

I hereby affirm that the Client has the necessary legal capacity and legal competence to register and trade as a client in Doo Prime as of the date today. 
我在此确认,截至今天,客户具有在 Doo Prime 中注册为客户和交易的必要法律能力。




      1) 行业内有部分地区存在专业团队/工作室以研究各平台可能存在的漏洞为生,为避免后期不必要的争议和投诉,针对这部分地区的客户,Doo Prime 将会在已有开户流程中增加一个环节:审批高风险地区客户。

      2) 在收到高风险地区客户的开户申请后,将会发送一封名为《High Risk Conditions 高风险地区开户风险提示》的电子协议,给予客户签署,同时也会抄送一封给予客户经理。

      3) 后台在未收到客户同意签署协议之前,客户的 CRM 账户将处于禁用状态,同时登录账号是,会显示提示为 "您好,您的开户信息含有较大风险,请联系客服人员协助处理。" 

      4) 如客户在收到电子协议 7 天后仍未签署,后台将会取消协议,同时客户的 CRM 账号将保持禁用状态直到后台收到客户同意签署协议为止。

      5) 客户需要在协议最后一页附上客户本人的签署以便后台能进一步处理。



1) 为了更清楚的确认违规客户的交易细节,以及避免误判,自 2022 年 1 月 1 日起,后台将联合多个部门对疑似违规交易订单进行联合审查。因此,后台提供违规明细的时间会是在发出违规通知后的 3-5 个工作日内。在收到客户签署违规协议后,后台多个部门会进行审核(60 个工作日内),违规客户出金事项会在所有后台部门审核完毕后处理。

2) 违规客户邮件流程

      a) 风控判定客户违规之后 , 会将违规通知的邮件发送至客户经理并抄送后台 ;
      b) 3-5 日之内后台发送违规明细到客户经理邮箱 ;

3) 违规处理方式可分成三种:
      ● 不当获利,违规订单无效,账户可交易
      ● 不当获利,违规订单无效,账户封停,出余额
      ● 不当获利,所有订单无效,账户封停,出本金

      ● 利用交易系统中的报价缺陷、漏洞进行不当获利
      ● 利用经纪商系统中的缺陷、漏洞进行不当获利
      ● 利用经纪商提供的交易条件进行不当获利(交易条件就包括了杠杆、赠金等)
      ● 利用 OTC 市场的流动性市况进行不当获利
      ● 利用 OTC 市场和其他相关市场的关联性进行不当获利
      ● 利用市场不活跃的情况进行不当获利
      ● 与其他经纪商进行交易对冲进行不当获利
      ● 其他违反市场公平性原则进行的不当获利
      ● 恶意扰乱公司正常运营秩序
      ● 触发并违反内部风险管理规范

4) 注意事项

      ● 封停后的 CRM 账户不可重开,如有需要重开,客户需联系客服经理获取后台批准。如果后台在审核后给予批准,违规客户的交易账户也不能重开,需要待后台处理所有违规相关的金额扣除事项,并在解绑对应涉及的违规 MT 账户后,才会给予开放 CRM 账户权限给到客户,后续客户只能使用违规以外或申请新的交易账户进行交易。

      ● 违规协议邮件必须由客户账户的注册邮箱发送至 support 邮箱( [email protected] ),不能由 代理 / 客服经理 代发。

      ● 违规客户可以出金的余额和本金,只能通过本地银行汇款以及电汇方式打款(不支持滞留在钱包或账户中由客户自行处理),如果客户申请退还本金\余额以数字货币方式退款,则需要客户原始本金\入金是数字货币;

      ● 如果违规客户不同意后台的判定可出金金额的方案,并需要协商其他可出金金额,只要任何请求金额高于风控部判定的金额,都需得到后台的批准,才会进行处理。

      ● 在发送违规通知给客服经理的 5 个工作日后,后台将会扣除代理返佣,扣除后将恢复代理佣金钱包的资金流动以避免拖延代理出入金。

5) 违规方式如涉及虚假入金等,因涉及的交易并不是使用真实金额,后台将不会提供违规明细(可以理解为所有订单都无效,并无法提供出金给到客户)。因此后台只会发送违规协议模板(放弃账户协议)给到客服经理让客户签署。
